Structural Carbon/Epoxy Rehab System for the Prevention and Repair of Corroded Piping Systems
Clock Spring|NRI DiamondWrap® is ideal for plant and refinery repairs involving complicated geometry situations such as tees, flanges, & varying diameter pipe. It is an engineered, wet applied repair system featuring proprietary carbon fiber cloth applied with a two-part epoxy and a high modulus filler material. It is available in multiple kit sizes for any diameter pipe, in any configuration.
• Eliminate unplanned down time for high consequence piping.
• Extend the life of aging and corroding assets.
• Engineered repairs are designed by our qualified engineers following ISO or ASME guidelines.
• Ideal option for repairs involving complicated geometry situations such as tees, flanges, & varying diameter pipe.
• No pipe cutting or welding necessary. No heavy machinery required.
• Available in multiple kit-sizes for any diameter pipe or configuration.
• Engineered Repair Design Report (ISO or ASME) is available.
• Service temperature limit up to 580° F / 304° C.
• Excellent adhesion to virtually any substrate.
• Carbon fiber system with negligble creep ensuring long service life.
2880 Bergey Road, Suite F, Hatfield, PA 19440
Phone: (877) 373-0118 | Fax: (888) 850-3787
Western PA Location: 500 Alpha Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317