Coated U-Bolts
U-Bolt Coat is a seamless, vulcanized, polyolefin material that is applied to a standard hot dipped, galvanized zinc plated or stainless steel u-bolt. They effectively...
U-Bolt Coat is a seamless, vulcanized, polyolefin material that is applied to a standard hot dipped, galvanized zinc plated or stainless steel u-bolt. They effectively control crevice corrosion on above ground piping by eliminating any possible metal to metal contact between the top and sides of the pipe. These coated u-bolts are also used with FRP Half Rounds to help control crevice corrosion on the bottom of a painted pipe. U-Bolt Coat type u-bolts can also help reduce vibrations and noise levels. The polyolefin coating is durable and displays excellent resistance to UV rays, heat, cold, abrasion and electrolysis.